Sample Database

Structural Database

This starter database contains a Microsoft SQL Server 2014 database which can be used when setting up an open source instance of PopMedNet.

Synthetic Databases

Here are some sample databases that contain synthetic (i.e., made up) patient data. They are made available to the public so interested parties can get a feel for how PopMedNet queries multiple data models.

  • Sentinel Summary Tables:The Summary Tables Test database contains synthetic summarized patient information for testing Sentinel Summary Table Requests.
  • Data Characterization: Some networks put their data into a common data model specifically for data characterization.
  • ESP/ MDPHnet Database: ESP organizes raw data extracted from EHR systems, maps them to disease categories, analyzes these data for conditions of public health interest, and transmits either case-level or aggregate data to public health agencies.
  • PCORnet Database: The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is supporting the development of PCORnet, the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network, to create a large, highly representative, national network for conducting clinical outcomes research.